commons-vfs (2.0-3+dyson1) unstable; urgency=low * Package for Dyson -- Igor Pashev Mon, 23 Dec 2013 14:24:46 +0400 commons-vfs (2.0-3) unstable; urgency=low * Team upload. * Explicitly state the encoding used to fix FTBFS with Java7. -- Niels Thykier Wed, 20 Jun 2012 17:57:31 +0200 commons-vfs (2.0-2) unstable; urgency=low * Update Standard-Version: 3.9.3. * Install JAR into /usr/share/java (Closes: #667011). * Drop --no-parent option and add Build-Depends on libcommons-parent- java. -- Damien Raude-Morvan Sun, 08 Apr 2012 18:19:31 +0200 commons-vfs (2.0-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release: - Drop all previous patches. - d/control: Build-Depends on libcommons-net2-java, junit4, libcommons-compress-java. * Bump Standards-Version 3.9.2: no changes needed. * d/copyright: Use DEP-5 format. * Switch to Maven build system: - d/patches/skip_examples.diff: Don't build examples module. - d/patches/disable_webdav_provider.diff: Disable webdav provider. - Drop B-D on ant, but add B-D on maven-debian-helper - Use ${maven:Depends} and ${maven:OptionalDepends} for Depends and Recommends. * d/docs: Update for new release. -- Damien Raude-Morvan Sun, 11 Sep 2011 00:44:27 +0200 commons-vfs (1.0-6) unstable; urgency=low * Team upload [ Damien Raude-Morvan ] * d/control: Drop Depends on any JRE as a Java library don't need to depends on a runtime (Java Policy) [ Torsten Werner ] * Change 'maintainers' into 'Maintainers'. * Update Standard-Version: 3.9.1. * Switch to source format 3.0. -- Torsten Werner Tue, 30 Aug 2011 16:56:07 +0200 commons-vfs (1.0-5) unstable; urgency=low * debian/maven.rules: - fix jdom groupId to org.jdom - use 3.x release of commons-httpclient - use 1.x release of commons-net * Update my email address * Bump debhelper version to >= 7 -- Damien Raude-Morvan Sat, 12 Dec 2009 22:02:48 +0100 commons-vfs (1.0-4) unstable; urgency=low * Set Maintainer field to Debian Java Team * Add myself as Uploaders * Add ${misc:Depends} in Depends field for debhelper * Bump Standards-Version 3.8.3: - Move libcommons-vfs-java to "java" section - Add a README.source describing patch system * Switch to Quilt patch system: - Refresh all patchs - Add B-D on quilt - Include in debian/rules * New patch 02_no_home_dir.diff: don't try to create/copy files in $HOME as many autobuilder won't have one * Use default-jdk/jre: - Depends on default-jre-headless instead of java-gcj-compat - Build-Depends on default-jdk instead of default-jdk-builddep because we don't build a native GCJ package. * Maven POMs: - Add a Build-Depends-Indep dependency on maven-repo-helper - Use mh_installpom and mh_installjar to install the POM and the jar to the Maven repository * Move api documentation to /usr/share/doc/libcommons-vfs-java/api -- Damien Raude-Morvan Sun, 23 Aug 2009 00:52:26 +0200 commons-vfs (1.0-3) unstable; urgency=low * debian/control: - Build-Depend on default-jdk-builddep instead of java-gcj-compat-dev. - Move default-jdk-builddep form B-D-I to B-D (needed for clean) - Differentiate short description of -doc package * debian/rules: Use default-java from default-jdk-builddep as JAVA_HOME * Move examples (sample source code) to libcommons-vfs-java-doc package -- Damien Raude-Morvan Sun, 30 Nov 2008 13:11:05 +0100 commons-vfs (1.0-2) unstable; urgency=low * debian/rules: - Include examples/ in libcommons-vfs-java - Install Javadoc API in /usr/share/doc/libcommons-vfs-java-doc - Use CDBS DEB_SOURCE_PACKAGE and DEB_UPSTREAM_VERSION instead of using dpkg-parsechangelog - get-orig-source: use --force-download for uscan - include rules before class * debian/control: - Remove depends on java1-runtime as commons-vfs only works with Java >= 1.4 * debian/copyright: Relicense debian packaging under BSD * debian/dirs: Removed because dirs are created by dh_install -- Damien Raude-Morvan Sun, 10 Aug 2008 21:55:32 +0200 commons-vfs (1.0-1) unstable; urgency=low * Initial release (closes: #238904). -- Damien Raude-Morvan Wed, 16 Jul 2008 21:56:34 +0200